Monday, December 5, 2011

15/What I could do with my self >:D

   If I were to go to  a college and I could contribute to it,I don't know what i would do,sincerly speaking,I would not do parties,since I would get irritate it.
I guess in my personal opinion that at the end what I would contribute it it would be my sense of humor.College is a stressfull time,were you have to be constantly on your toes,since is  a 24/7 studying and working.When your not studying your working,when your not working your studying,and when your not doing any of those two,you are sleeping,and if you don't have time for nay of those,your doing everything at the same time,talk about multi tasking right there.
I do not thing I could elaboratea revolutionary idea to make an impact on the college,since most of the student and staff are doing their own thing.
 Yes,I know,they would be delietate by my beautiful presence,with my magnificent personality,nut that would not help as much.I am not sure to what college,or if I am attentding to college at all.This question kinda irritates me,for that the answer to this question is unreachable,well it is but not for me,for that I am unsure of my future at the moment.
I ask around and as I see no one has come up with a great idea.
If it was up to me,Ill put some kind of carnival games for those nights that you had a miracle and have free time.You know,that little  compactic cage in which it goes in a circle and you seem to have reach a point up so far that you are almost abel to reach your hand up ,grab a star,and feel the warmth in between your fingers.Maybe even a roller coaster if the plans work alright.Maybe that way students will have fun and procrastinate more.I'm passing a legasy here.

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